Saturday, May 13, 2006

reprieve from grousing

I can't help but notice that most (if not all) of my posts thus far have a similar tone: that of a whinging woman. I sound just like my mom, minus the pity parties (why,oh why did this happen to me?!). So I figured I would talk about something I am very grateful for: my friends.

I have trouble making friends.

I have had many bad relationships in the past, and as a result, the way I go about making friends takes years. In addition, any friendship which shows huge conflicts and/or stagnates for too long generally ends up being dropped. I have sustained enough damage, I don't intend to waste the remaining whole scraps of my hurting heart on people who will continue to do damage. That is not to say that it cannot be picked up again; but so many people are off in their own little world, very few people seem to take notice of me, so I tend to concentrate on the handful who would likely be the first to notice if I happen to disappear off the face of the earth.

There are those who I met at university. Most of these are people I met afte my first year, which was in res, and I was a mess emotionally due to conflicts in my wing. they vary from people who have already moved on to other places, to those I keep in contact with. Alli, Colleen, Dave, Rob, Steve, Rachel L and Rachel R, and many others.

There are those of you I met on my mission trip: Anna, Mike and Russ. You guys are like siblings to me, especially since you spent so much time with me and bore me up just as I was starting my struggle to become whole.

There's you, Clara. you discipled me, and spent time with me. You were a good listener, and you've been really gracious to me, and allowed me to crash at your place numerous times when I came to visit Kingston this year.

And then there's you Christine. You were a great comfort to me in second year, and have a wicked sense of humour. I love you, and have missed you since you moved back to Britain.

And finally, Sarah. You have been my friend since I was 5. you have taken me into your house countless times, when I hurt, and when I just needed a friend. You taught me things. You have, in a way, been the sister I always wanted.

I couldn't have made it this far with out you, any of you. you've carried me in prayer and thought, shared my laughter and my tears. and I value and cherish all of you (even those of you I forgot to mention). I wish I could keep you close to me, though I know that's not possible in this rapidly changing world.

I just wanted to say: Thank you.

Monday, May 08, 2006

frustration and Procrastination

Mom and dad are FINALLY going to do some work in the house after living in a rented house for 4 months.Originally, they were supposed to have been there only for six months, but it was obvious that they were goign to be there longer. nothing, I repeat NOTHING has been done in this house since they left. This past weekend, my dad finally fixed the garage door - which has been broken since I left for university (so 5 years minimum). And guess what - they're planning to start work in two weeks, when I leave!

*takes a deep breath*


Why, oh WHY do you wait until I leave to ANYTHING??? And this means that I'll probably be roped into helping out as it's my "duty and you owe us money". I have been working on cracked, half-baked plans for EVER in this rotten house! and the junk, oh God forbid you throw anyhting out, for fear mom wants it for its memory value. GAHH! and it'll start all over AGAIN in the NEXT house!