Monday, April 30, 2007

When a Slave is Ruler, the Earth trembles....

DISCLAIMER: Rant following. DO NOT READ if you cannot accept someone else's point of view as just that.

Now that we've got that out of the way....

I think this will be the last degree I do for a while.

Not because I couldn't go further - I love learning and research. Problem solving, for me, is fun. No, it's the politics that are, well, angering me. actually, its more like blinding rage.

Okay, here's what has tipped this particular rant off: I'm chatting with one of my fellow grads when her supervisor walks in. He lips off about how not to mind him, he's being a prick - his own words. I respond by saying "I know" and I do know - he sexually harasses the female students and generally acts insecure. He then says threateningly "...What?!". The guy obviously cannot take even his own joke. And I'll likely be made to pay over and over for it. I know - I lived at home with a mother who was like that. Except she was slightly less insecure. The worst bit: he is receiving tenure THIS YEAR. That means that the behaviour will only GET WORSE.

There are no words strong enough for the feeling I get inside for people who are pitiful enough to abuse their position to look for ego stroking, play power games, and cannot stand to hear a word spoken against them by those they consider to be "beneath them". In my eyes, every human being has an intrinsic value for just being human that cannot be stripped away. things like age and character play into whether or not your value is greater or lesser, but as far as I see, people, unless they show themselves to be otherwise, are pretty much my peers or betters in my eyes. Even children have a right to be respected by adults.

It's funny - I seem to be able to get a pretty good first approximation of the charater (and by extension, respectability) of a person in the first few minutes of meeting them. Something about the eyes, posture and how they move just gives it away... Most people do not give a strong signal either way. A few I recognise as people I will get along really well with. But a few send red flags flying up everywhere. Believe me, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt if I get the impression that they are not "nice people", but, unfortunately, they have time and again proven me wrong. I really, really hate it when I'm right -prove me wrong, people (dammit)!

I cannot stand insecure, power hungry, childish people. They make me see red and my heart burns in black flames. They draw out all the angry shadows that have flickered in my heart since I've dealt with people like this (ie: very early childhood). You think you're something, just because you have an education, eh? You think you're all that? Think you can demand respect in spite of acting irresponsibly?? Well, guess what -I grew up surrounded by uneduacted, common adults and guess what - they acted -just - like - YOU!!! That's right - you act NO DIFFERENT than those undeucated, working-class group you consider so "beneath you"!

Don't get me wrong - I will give credit where credit is due. However, if you choose to act like a child and have a temper tantrum every time someone says something you don't like, what makes you think that you have any respect at all? You just gave it up by acting like you're 3. Grow up - you want respect, you maintain it by acting like a person deserving of the position. Defending yourself against slander is absolutely fine - but it had beter be slander, not the truth.

I've already been threatened and bullied anough here. I am getting tired of the petty game this faculty plays. Sure, politics exists everywhere - but you are not in control of my life, just my education. If you wish to act this way, I will go and find people who do not act as childishly as you and will work with them instead. I'd tell you it's your loss... but then again, I doubt you'd even notice my absence.


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