Saturday, May 20, 2006

New adventure on the horizon

I'm off again. I'm headed for the far north. "Near Lake Nipigon" -that far north. I'll be mapping as part of the Ontario Geological Survey, ploughing through the bush, boating, riding ATVs, avoiding bears, sitting around wondering how to kill the long hours without involving too much alcohol, etc. Will be interesting.and after three months, I'll have to figure out what to do next.

Bryan Adams, among others has said "life is an open road". Is there anyone out there who will agree with me that it looks more like an open plateau? thing is, changing careers and starting/re-starting life goals is incredibly easy - easier than it has ever been in the history of society. I have choice. I am not relegated to getting an Mrs. from University or elsewhere to survive - I'm not doomed to be a spinster living out my days in my parents' house (I hope). My days are spent reading and learning, not cleaning and cooking. I have a Bachelor's of Science from a prominent university. I can do anything - travel, go back to school, continue in my field, start my own business. I can do anything... and I have no idea where to start. and my parent's goal "maps" of a stable career and home life just won't work in the world today - it's too transient (not to mention it didn't really work for them).

It's like, instead of having to travel the one road in the same ruts as the past two hundered generations of my predecessors, I get the opportunity jump the track and have a look around. there's mountains in the far distance, and an interesting wood across to the one side, a big city to the other, some foothills behind the city, a wide river and town near the forest, and so on. where to first? some of them I might be able to squeeze in together, but I can't do them all. And I'm not sure what is most important to me to do.

So, where to from here? I don't know. I think personally, I will try and get a couple more years experience (and pay off my bank loan), then head back to University for a Master's and eventually, a Ph.D. It may change. it may not. but for now, I guess I'll just have to enjoy the nearest adventure as best I can.


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